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Ceres Collection | Ireland

Ceres Collection

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ceres collection chairs
ceres collection personalize

We all love to create interiors that are completely unique to us because we believe that's what makes a HOME, and it's true.

One way of ensuring your HOME is unlike anyone else's is to add a personalised dining set. With that in mind, we're bringing you the `Ceres`range. It's like nothing that's come before it.

The table for instance is available in 3 sizes, while there are also 3 chair options available. With such a diverse collection at the ready, you can effortlessly personalise your dining room to suit your style.

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ceres collection hand made

We've partnered with Colourtrend to let you choose from 8 vibrant colour options to add the final touch to the `Ceres` dining range.

Colourtrend is a range of 100% premium Irish paint that uses only the highest quality materials to provide a long-lasting finish.

So go ahead, design your own dining set and complete it with one of the 8 stunning Colourtrend options available.

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